Stepping out with the iPod Touch

StepTrakLite2Our K2 Team have been at it again! They continue to actively look at new ways of integrating technology into their programme.

Teaching about non-standard measurement is one of the K2 Maths expectations, and Louise & Andrea had the inspired idea of using the pedometer app StepTrakLite on the iPod Touch to make it more interesting for their students.StepTrakLite

Andrea created a recording sheet for them, and had them estimate the distance (in steps) from one place to another, then check it using StepTrakLite. Louise got her kids to make their own recording sheet. Both approaches worked brilliantly, and the kids had a great time. Here is Andrea’s recording sheet:

Measuring With StepTrakLite Using iPod Touches

Here’s a video of the kids excitedly measuring their steps using StepTrakLite

3 thoughts on “Stepping out with the iPod Touch

  1. How cool to see kids so enjoying their maths lesson! Great use of the ipod touches. We’re thinking of getting a set for school so it’s good to see some ideas of how others are using them.


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